Parenting RESET

A Practical Guide on Infusing Love and Gratitude into your Parenting Journey


This guide intends to capture some of our best practices as parents. This is not to suggest that our parenting philosophies are perfect, but we firmly believe that we can learn from one another as parents. It is our desire to share with others the practices that we do well, to offer tools to other parents who may not have considered some of these strategies.

People within our sphere of influence often ask us for parenting advice. Many have noticed that our parenting style is very intentional. Some ask where our ideas and parenting concepts come from. That’s a tough question to answer. Some of it comes from our upbringing. We came from two very different backgrounds. One, from a solid, traditional, healthy environment. The other, from a broken home. We’ve brought together experiences from our families of origin and our ideas of what to do and what not to do. Ultimately, we realized that we really have to trust God and be intentional about seeking His wisdom concerning how to raise our children. We pray a lot. We read a lot. And importantly, we pay attention to our children. We listen to them, the spoken and the unspoken. We make mistakes, learn from them, and adjust. We find things that work well and duplicate those wins as much as we can. And those wins are what we’ve captured in this resource. 

Our parenting pillars include:

1.      Faith

2.      Acceptance / Love

3.      Prioritizing the Marriage

4.      Safety

5.      Structure

6.      Fun